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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Freaked Out

Received a postcard from O yesterday. She went to Paris! And E will be going to Rome next week! I AM SO JEALOUS! I will be busy starting this month , making it harder to plan a trip. I still hope I can go to Rome with B&O by the end of 2005.

Just realized someone I used to know abused his sister (who i know) in the past ... this is quite creepy and it's freaking me out. I actually didnt realized that he was the girl's brother until recently. I am so glad that I dont know the guy anymore.....

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Saw War of the Worlds on the weekend. I know it's a little late, but hey I hate lining up for movies, so it's a good time to see around this time as the theatre was half empty and I can easily find a good seat. This movie scared the sxxt outta me. No, i am not afraid of those Aliens, it's the reaction of the human beings that's comparable to a horror flick. People always say that Steven Spilberg is a brilliant story-teller, and they are right, as he was able to introduce to the audience the backdrop of the story and each character's personalites etc pretty quickly in the first few scenes, and didnt wait too long before jumping to the aliens attack. (The Island is a lot worst at doing that, and i will be writing about later). Throughout the movie, I just cant help but wonder what I would've done in a situation like that. While I think the character of Tom Cruise is a bit of a selfish bastard, i realize that anyone can be as selfish as him too if push comes to shove. I do hope that I will still have the heart to help others (like the son in the movie) in these circumstances tho. Any type of war can bring out the good and bad in humans I guess. And if i were to choose, i'll probably choose to die, i think surviving is actually scarier, and I dont wanna be mentally scarred for the rest of my life with those horrible memories. Just blabbling again.....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

CD Shopping

Hehe I got the album by The La's today for $12.99. This is definitely a lot cheaper than ebay. Not sure if this is a deleted title, cuz there aren't a lot of new copies floating around on ebay. Anyways, getting a new copy at HMV is definitely better than a used one. I guess I am just the kind of person who will not give up on things I want until I hunt it down. Hmmm actually that applys to CDs only.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Sugar Rush & There She Goes

Watching Sugar Rush right now, in case you don't know what it is, this is a UK TV Series. It's quite good and I can't wait to see the finale. "There She Goes" by the La's is one of the songs that was used in the series. I like it. According to this website, the songs is about!~ You can find the mp3 to the song there too.


"There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my brain
And I just can't contain, this feeling that remains

There she blows
There she blows again
Pulsing through my vein
And I just can't contain, this feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
She calls my name, pulls my train
And no-one else can heal my pain
But I just can't contain, this feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Chasing down my lane
And I just can't contain, this feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes
There she goes"