Ok i am back. Been sick for the last 3 weeks and off from work for a week. It was probably the worst cold i've had in recent years. I was around a lot of sick people since October of last year but I never got sick until now. Luckily it didn't develope into a flu but it was quite a severe cold. Lots of productive time wasted during this past 3 weeks as i felt so weak and did nothing except cough, sneeze, blow my nose, sleep and watch tv. It was a 'good' thing in a way cuz i was finally able to watching the stacks of DVDs i've got on hand, and I was all caught up on shows currently on air. What a life eh?
Here's a list of shows i watched in the last three weeks:
1) A few Hong Kong movies - to be honest, i don't remember the names of the movie i 'browsed'. I burnt the VCD images onto CD-RW's and tried to watch, but none were interesting enuf to make me continue. I ended up fast forwarding 98% of the movie. Some were downloaded but i decided to erase it from my HDD to save space. I wonder why i wasted all my bandwidth to download them in the first place? Looks like I won't be watching
any HK film from now on.@_@
Swing Girls - this is a Japanese movie about a group of jr/high school girls who formed their own jazz band. This movie is not totally outstanding but it brought back memories of the days when i played in my Jr/High School band. I played the Alto Saxophone and we did played some of the music featured in the movie (eg. Swing the Mood). Overall the movie is quite pleasant to watch and I had a few good laughs.
Napoleon Dynamite - ok i confessed that I downloaded this movie. I had no idea what this movie was about at first. Saw a lot of people talking about it tho and was kinda curious. The movie revolves around the life of this dweeb Napoleon Dynamite, his geeky friend Pedro and this girl Deb (Mac on Veronica Mars!) I really don't know how to describe this movie; it doesnt have a main plot and there were some odd moments. Can't say i like this movie but i do find myself digging up information on it after watching, so maybe I do like it? Ok maybe I do! The actor who plays Napoleon and Pedro looks very different in real life unlike the weird look they had in the movie.

Hear Napoleon Dynamite talk Here!

Jon Heder in real life - not like he's totally hot but u gotta agree that he's hotter than Napoleon!
4) Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Part 1 - this show was sooo boring at the beginning (esp that mini series in the beginning!). Perhaps because I was never a Science Fiction fan, therefore it was kinda hard to follow at first. The show's been better since I've figured out what's going on. Actually a lot of the show's content serves as some sort of parady to today's current events. Now I am waiting for Part 2 and the 'shocking' season finale. When will I get the my next set of discs, Seewise? :D