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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Korean Drama vs. Japanese Dorama

Ok, i may have never seen a complete Korean series, but i've seen bits of it and can't totally can't stand it!!! I wonder why a lot of ppl are so crazy over K-drama. I am definitely a fan of Dorama.

Anyways, this is not written by me, but i agree with most it.


日劇:醫生多 韓劇:病人多
日劇:變態多 韓劇:自戀多
日劇:懸念多 韓劇:眼淚多
日劇:王子多 韓劇:灰姑娘多
日劇男:修眉多 韓劇男:眼袋多
日劇女:氣質多 韓劇女:發嗲多


每次看韓劇的時候,總是在主人公哭得一塌糊塗的時候跟著一起哭; <---i obviously wont do that. @_@








想變白癡的時候看韓劇; <---shouldn't do that





Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

January 27

1月27日 早熟的童年









莫札特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)奧地利歌劇作曲家、小提琴家及鋼琴家,是最具有才華的音樂神童,在35歲時英年早逝。他的著名作品包括歌劇《魔笛》《費加洛婚禮》:第40號、第41號交響曲等。

英車作家路易斯卡羅爾(Lewis Carroll),為《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的作者。他的本名為道奇森(Charles Dodgson),是英國數學家及邏輯學家。

美國海軍核潛艇總司令瑞克瓦(Hyman Rickover)。

英國鋼琴家及作曲家約翰奧格登(John Ogdon),他小時候是個著名的鋼琴神童,曾獲莫斯科柴可夫斯基國際鋼琴比賽一等獎,以演奏李斯特、布梭尼、阿爾康的作品而蜚聲國際。

英裔叛國勞工領導人甘波斯(Samuel Gompers),他是美國勞工聯合會創辦人兼主席,參與建立現代美國勞工運動的基礎。

瑞典電影女演員英格麗圖林(Ingrid Thulin),她是瑞典大導演伯格曼(《芬妮與亞歷山大》的導演)的班底,曾因《女人的等待》(或譯《生命邊緣》)一片獲得戛納電影節最佳女主角獎。

猶太裔蘇俄異議作家兼小說家愛倫堡(Ilya Ehrenberg),他長期為平反許多受到政治壓近的作家而貢獻心力,著有《珍妮之愛》。


靜思語 歲月總是催人老,青春可存於心、難藏於身



Check your date of birth!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Not dead....just busy

(the ads for Karei-naru Ichizoku in Shibuya, took this pic when i was in Japan this Jan)

Anyone still come here to read my blog? I've left it for a while, been so busy. Anyways, i've been watching Karei-naru Ichizoku ( 華麗なる一族) lately.'s INTENSE! I haven't watch such a pure drama show like this in a LONG time. It's like i can only watch one episode a day cuz it's sooooo serious and so heavy! Anyways Kimutaku is really a fine actor, despite of the good looks he does have his skill.

Other than that.....there's not a lot to report ... just been relaxing and enjoying this beautiful summer....

Friday, June 29, 2007

Haven't been doing a lot of reading lately, and I finally read Night by Elie Wiesel after having it on my bookselve since last year. I even carried it with me to my trip in January, hoping that I will have time to read this slim volume. Turned out that I didn't have much spare time until now.

I've been wanting to understand more about the Holocaust since my visit to the Anne Frank House at the end of 2005 and the realization that liberation of Auschwitz was on January 27, which is my b-day! I think last year was the 60th Anniversary of the liberation and there was a big ceremony for it. Anyways, back to the subject...reading the book made me realized how lucky I am - That I live in a relatively peaceful period today. Some of the accounts in the book are pretty you'd wonder "Why would a human being commit such cruel act"? and makes you question a lot of things... It's sad that this really happened. I am glad that this is a popular book because we all need to learn from history and make sure something like this doesn't happen again. I still don't know how these devils came up with such evil plans to kill millions of people systematically, and the fact that the system was working so well made me sick. Hope we all learn from this and try not to kill one another from now on.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

Awful commercial

Is this supposed to be funny???? @_@

Monday, June 04, 2007

Anyone wants to go see Mayday with me?

Glad there's this to cheer me up....
Anyone wants to see MayDay with me in Vancouver on September 1? If you do, please let me know!


I've said that I try to avoid putting anything personal here, but since no one really knows about this blog, and for those of you who do, you are either my close friends or someone who cares, i might as well let it out here. Just been really sad and confused for the last few days. I always thought my life is boring, but when something happens, it gets quite dramatic. Everybody makes mistakes right? But when it comes to a major mistakes (ie. some criminal record), should you still give this person a second chance or just shut the door on him/her? And for me who's never commited any forms of crime, does that mean I am a good person? Does it mean i am totally innocent? Speaking of doing terrible things I think i've done something curel and i've really hurt someone i cared about, and it really hurts me every time i think about it. I wanna tell this person that I am sorry, but i know it'll make things worst if i try to reach out to this person now. I really dont know what to do.....Just hope this person will eventually understand the whole situation and continue to live a good life.....sigh...i dont even know what i am talking about anymore. Hai, how can i get thru this?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yes! Yes! Yes! How I Met Your Mother will be back for a 3rd season!!!


I will be so upset if one of my favorite show is cancelled!

Now I'll have to wait until the fall to see new episodes!'ll be worth it!

Happy Feet

This is for those of you who are still reading this blog....I think a lot of people have moved to Facebook to keep in touch with their friends. I think Facebook is great, yet I don't believe in forcing my friends to read my for the time being i will stick with Blogger.

Anyways, i got my first ever pedicure yesterday! I was never a huge fan of sandles, but Calgary is getting hotter and hotter every year and I think I can finally walk in those lady sandles with high heals without falling flat on my face. :D I thought my feet were alright, but after many years of walking it just built up a layer of thick skin which is truly disgusting (i wont go into details here). So, it was time to get some professional help. The whole process took about an hour and afterwards i felt like i got new feet. :P I didn't know why i never had this done before but from now on i will try to do it at least once a year. I wish they do foot massages like those in HK.

There'll be less things for me to buy next time I go to Europe. H&M just opened a new store in Calgary last Thursday and the Boots skin care lines (No. 7 and Botanics) are now available at Shoppers! I brought a jacket at H&M yesterday and stocked up on some Boots stuff. The Botanics line at Boots is quite good! I tried some when i brought stuff from Ireland two years ago. Just checked and the prices for Boots stuff here are about the same as the UK. Hehe so happy!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Facebook is such a good way to keep in touch with your friends! It is so much better than Friendster or myspace, these two look more like a dating site. It's so much easier to search for your classmates on Facebook. I just had a mini High School Reunion with friends I haven't talked to in years! It's so good to find out how everyone's lives have changed since St. Mary's. Some of them are married, some of them are mothers, and some are doing Grad school....overall most of them moved on to bigger and better things and are living a good life, which makes me quite happy! Too bad the server at work blocked Facebook, or i will be wasting all my time there. :P

Hehe if you are my friend you should join and add me!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

24 - Season Six

It SUCKS! I am just not impressed with this pathetic season. This is a good article that sums up what's been happening. ***LINK CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Monday, April 02, 2007

Blades of Glory

Saw Blades of Glory on the weekend. It was freakin' hilarious! I haven't laughed so hard in a long, long time! Highly recommended if you like stupid jokes or just wants a good laugh. :)

Monday, March 26, 2007

If you are a fan of HK Pop Music / Canto-Pop

You will like this link: 歷年樂壇新人蒸發實錄 (1989-2005)

Find out about that fave singer of yours who suddenly disappeared....where's he/she now?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pics from the concert

As you can see we are not that close to the stage

Ok the pics are not too great but it gives u some ideas. The different sets are quite nice! Movie clips shown on the projection display are quite cool too!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Bad Luck...

I've got this stupid virus on my PC lately, now trying very to get rid of it. You see the instructions there? That's quite a bit of work. I tried everything i know of so far, including scanning my PC numerous times with different spyware detectors, resetting some of my registry files etc, but this one is very tough to get rid of!!!!! :( I dont know what i did to deserve this. I am really really ticked as you can see......ARRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHH!

Some better things ... i went to Christina Aguilera's concert last week. It was a really sudden decision. We couldn't get any tickets originally cuz it was all sold out. On the day of the concert, i was kinda mad cuz a few of my colleagues (including some see lai's, why are they there?) are going and i told my frd G like WTH...she checked and she discovered some good seats! So we brought them like 3 hrs b4 the concert! The show was great, altho i am not a huge fan, i think Christina is a good singer and put on a good show. The different sets looks pretty nice and she probably had 20 costumes change.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Why does this concern me? Cuz the victim is actually a distant relative. :( Note that the woman responsible for the death is driving a Ford Truck...I am sorry if I offend anyone but only morons drives a Ford.

Anyways, so sad....RIP....

Elderly Bicyclist Fatally Struck In Chinatown

CHICAGO, Ill. (STNG) -- A 74-year-old man who was killed when he was hit by a truck in the Chinatown area Saturday afternoon has been identified.

The victim, identified as Yao He, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner's office, was riding his bike east on Cermak Road near Clark Street Saturday afternoon, according to a report from the police First Deputy Superintendent's office.

Shirley Mitchell-Winton was driving a Ford truck soutbound on Clark Street when she made an illegal right turn onto westbound Cermak Road, striking the man at 132 W. Cermak Road at 3:40 p.m., according to police News Affairs Officer JoAnn Taylor.

A witness told police Mitchell-Winton made an illegal turn while her traffic signal was red, according to a Prairie District lieutenant. Mitchell-Winton claimed the light was green when she made the turn, the lieutenant said. He was dragged under the truck briefly after he was struck, the lieutenant added.

He, of 3138 S. Parnell Ave., was pronounced dead from the accident at 4:26 p.m. Saturday at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County, a Cook County Medical Examiner’s office spokesman said. The spokesman said the accident occurred at Cermak Road and South Wentworth Avenue.

Mitchell-Winton, 55, of the 143 block of South Dorchester Avenue in Dolton, was issued citations for failure to yield, and making an improper right turn. It is possible she could face future charges or upgraded citations, Taylor said.Mitchell-Winton is scheduled to appear in traffic court at 10 a.m. on March 21, Taylor said.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

24 Season 6 - Jumped the Shark ... Already?

(to view spoiler press ctrl-a)

Been trying to catch up on all the 24 I've missed during my vacation. Is it just me or is the plot moving really really slow this season? Who would've thought that Graem or Gray or whatever - yes the bluetooth guy in Season 5 (Shouldn't it be Graham? It's the same one syllable word!) is Jack's brother???? It'll be easier to believe that Graem is a half brother or something cuz they look totally different! WTF...and then Jack suddenly got a father, and he's sort of Evil, again, WTF. And there were too many torture scenes on Graem; it's like they wanna show Jack doesnt care if you are family, he'll still torture you to death for intel....quite ridiculous. Maybe we will be seeing more on Jack torturing his own family in the next few ep? Who's next? Jack's dad should be next, and maybe later on ... Kim???!!!

And that stupid affair (?) or whatever with Jack and his sister in law....ewwwww kinda gross. Since Graem's son doesn't look like him at all, could he be ....??? Wow, this is slowly turning into a TVB drama!

Seriously 24 is slowly getting worst and worst every season. I hate to be nagging but the plots so far are AWFUL! @_@ And i thought last season was bad. :(

Friday, February 16, 2007

Feeling Better Already

Ok I felt so much better already after posting that last entry. Turns out there aren't THAT MANY things on my To-Do list. I must add that I brought a truckload of candies back home and I haven't even touch them yet....that's pretty good isn't it?

I must've been a bit under the weather in the last couple of days. It was -20C for two entire weeks, and it was so cold at one point my garage door opener stopped working. :( Also the traffic gets pretty bad when the roads are slippery. Speaking of that, i had my first PK in ? years (i havent PK'd for so long i cant even remember the last time I pk'd!!!! Was able to keep myself PK-free even in Taiwan damn it!) It happened on my parent's driveway and i felt like Humpy Dumpty @_@. Luckily i didnt break any bones but my leg does hurt a bit. :(

The tix for Gwen Stefani went on sale last week but my friend and I are unable to get any good seats! The website was overloaded and the phone lines busy. :( Wanna cry....i do wanna see it.

Post-Travel Stress

Just got back to Calgary two Sundays ago, and I've been pretty busy since. The vacation really burnt a hole in my wallet, and now my books are in the reds. @_@ 'Luckily', my office is offering overtime, but the bad news is I gotta stay behind everyday and come in on Saturdays to earn the cash. Not great but the extra cash comes in handy.

Just to get a picture of how busy I am: I HAVEN'T WATCHED AN EPISODE OF 24 since I got back!!!! I am TOTALLY BEHIND right now and it's driving me nuts! I've been trying to sort out which episode I've missed on my PVR so I can get it from the internet.....arrrrh how can i do this without watching parts of the show??? I am behind on other shows too, which means I will have lots to catch up on in the next while. I better do it quick tho cuz my PVR will run outta room to record soon if I don't start deleting things. Oh to top it off my hard drive is also running outta room from downloading all the missed episodes. My TV life is such a mess...

As a neat freak with a bit of an OCD, the current condition of my house is also driving me insane. Things I unpacked are still scattered on the floor as I try to find a place to put them away. The floor needs vacuuming and I haven't done that since I came back. My bathroom countertop is covered with bottles of stuff cuz I am trying to use up the supplies I brought with me during my vacation (so basically everything's doubled up if you know what I mean!). I got do my laundry ... gotta dust....I gotta sort out my vacation pictures.... I have no time to recharge / put new songs on my iPod (actually, got no time to download new mp3s lately either @_@), stacks of unopened CDs and DVDs in my room which I haven't even have time to look for my friends which I haven't had time to deliver/send......I've lost control of things and I feel like screaming out loud......I feel like my life is in a genuine mess. I guess it is nothing compared to people who are in ... rehab (!)....but my nice little world is falling apart and I am going crazy.

(Don't worry, I think all i need is a weekend at home to put my life back together, i will stop whining soon! :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

低等動物 作詞:黃偉文 作曲:錢文璟 唱:陳奕迅

喉嚨很乾 所以愛上你的吻 咀巴需要覺得 像被誰期侍過 
纏綿很好 所以愛上你胸襟 呼吸需要記得 亦被懷念過 
為何未曾動心 都可以愛上那質感 未能淡忘肉身 我是人 

寂寞洶洶 所以愛上你指尖 鬚根需要覺得 像被誰馴服過 
慾望狠狠 所以愛上你肌膚 體溫需要記得 亦被承受過 
為誰亦能動心 請不要笑我太低等 熱情自然亮燈 渴望難自禁 
味蕾覓尋肉身 比一隻野獸更天真 問誰又能硬撼 肉體吸引 

@讓美色 給官感體諒過程 其實極漂亮 難道你在訓練我 不需要情慾對象 
熱吻間 勾起的想像 愛情 其實是這樣 留住你是要為身體著想 (期望你 亦要為身體著想) 

談情很好 不過也要你擁抱 身體需要覺得 未被忘掉過 地獄之火 睡在心窩 
難道我(在) 望著你你望(著) 我 就毫無罪過

We are all like that, aren't we?

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Last Day in Taipei

At a net cafe near the hotel right now. I will be leaving tomorrow evening. Gotta say that I love this place! :D Lots of food and stuff. There are a few observations .... like u gotta be very careful when you walk, cuz there's often a step between one building to another...what i mean is, there are lots of uneven pavement and you just have to be careful. Also they like to put the entrance of a washroom or something one tiny step higher, so if you are not careful u can easily "PK". @_@ Not like I've PK'd and fell flat on my face but I've almost tripped over a few times. @_@

Monday, January 29, 2007

Live from Taipei

Just arrived in Taipei this afternoon, and I have a feeling I am gonna like this place! Too bad this is a solo trip! I met a cute Japanese guy at the hotel :D but too bad he's travelling with his friends. :( Food in here is quite cheap. I just walked around my hotel and discovered a few streets full of food stalls. Lots and lots of food there and I feel like trying them all and stuffing all the food in my mouth (yes, again!)! Haha this is fun.

Just need to log on to the internet for a moment to check the Tw/Cad $ exchange rate...i didnt even have time to do that before leaving, and now i realized that things are quite cheap here! For eg, i just had some fried chicken + plum favor (YUMMY!) fries for TW$50, and that's like CAD$1.79 (note that I was full after eating it!). Also some healthy style bubble tea is only TW$30, which is $1.07!!! WOW! This is heaven! Esp when there's bubble tea everywhere....haha i almost forgot that they invented bubble tea!!! Really delicious and i hope i can try some more later! Will be heading to that "See Lam" Night Market later.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Moving outta da hotel

I will be moving to my friend's house starting tomorrow. My sister is flying back tomorrow morning and i cannot afford living at the hotel on my I need to check out. There's this cold weather warning in place next week, the temperature will drop down to 10C. I know u Canucks must be laughing...but keep in mine that there's no central heating in HK, so ... i am getting ready for the freezing sensation coming outta the shower or while sleeping. Arrrh.

The hotel i am staying at is Metropark Hotel in Causeway Bay. It's the 2nd time I've stayed there and I must say I am pretty satisfy with it and their services and location etc. I highly recommend it. The only thing that sort of gets on my nerves is the nightly live band karaoke session down at the bar area. Just have to listen to some horrible tone-deaf singers singing outta tune when you enter the hotel....which can be quite 'undingable' at times. @_@

Monday, January 22, 2007

Going to Taipei

Yes, i will be going to Taipei! I am going next Monday - Thursday. This is my first ever solo trip to another country. Wish me good luck. :)

The past few days in HK's been great. Been stuffing all the food I can eat in my mouth...not funny at all! Also took LOTS of pics. Mainly things that interests me, i think ppl must think I am strange cuz I take pictures of a lot of weird everyday stuff, but of course these things are not quite everyday to me. Today i went to Stanley and took a bunch of pics. Saw a lot of mansion on the way to Stanley and I wish I can live in a house like that with an ocean view....ok i should stop daydreaming.

Stanley is great, except i cant find any cheap A&F hoodies anymore :( :( :(. There used to be lots and lots of them. Now there's none! There are some Hollister but they are all size S, which I dont think i can ever fit into. :( I also brought some Chinese name plates for my colleagues, but my friend told me later that I should've gone to Temple Street to get them cuz it's way cheaper. Damn...:(

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day 3 in HK

I guess i was mad at the weather when I did my last blog entry...HK is not that bad. I'd love to visit it once in a while, but I wouldn't wanna live here unless I have a huge house or something. It's just WAY too crowded and I am the type who needs lots and lots of personal space (typicial Aquarius). So what have I done in HK so far? I've arranged to meet my friends and relatives here, I brought tickets to see Forever Grasshopper Part II on Feb 3 :D, got my V3 unlocked (i cant stand my old phone anymore....need my Razr!!!), got some info on my 'next' trip to either Taiwan or Cambodia (Angkor)....had some good food....hehehe. I still havent been to Kowloon island yet! Basically spending my time over at the HK Island side. Need to go to karaoke soon...hohoho can't wait.

That's all for now, burning some time at the net cafe b4 going to meet my friends for dinner.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

kkysiu - reporting from HK

Today is my 2nd day in HK, and i must say I dont really like it here. It used to be a place I loved, what happened??? Anyways, i definitely look forward to meeting all my friends here. I know i will have a blast, it's just the's raining and i absolutely hate that. I hope the rain would stop!

The trip to Tokyo was quite good. I think i've mastered the whole JR network and how to take trains to different parts of Tokyo! :D Got lots of shopping done, mostly on household items and neat toys (no clothes!). I am a bit sick of Tokyo now after spending 6 days there ... Let me write more when i have more time.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

24 Season 6 Leaked!

Happy New Year to everyone first of all! I've been extremely busy lately. It's 2 days before my vacation...I have like a zillion things to do, but I still managed to find time to watch the new season of 24!!! Just when I thought I 'll miss the season premiere while I am away, the first 4 episodes got leaked and it's now available for download! The quality of the file is superb! Obviously it came from a dvd source! I ended up sparing 3 hrs of my precious time watching it! Can't wait to see more ... and just glad I am now a little ahead of the broadcast, so I won't have to do lots of catch-ups later on when i return.
Still havent done any trip planning ... i am so dead! This is not the usual me. Arrrh now in panic mode, all because of 24! :)