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Sunday, February 25, 2007


Why does this concern me? Cuz the victim is actually a distant relative. :( Note that the woman responsible for the death is driving a Ford Truck...I am sorry if I offend anyone but only morons drives a Ford.

Anyways, so sad....RIP....

Elderly Bicyclist Fatally Struck In Chinatown

CHICAGO, Ill. (STNG) -- A 74-year-old man who was killed when he was hit by a truck in the Chinatown area Saturday afternoon has been identified.

The victim, identified as Yao He, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner's office, was riding his bike east on Cermak Road near Clark Street Saturday afternoon, according to a report from the police First Deputy Superintendent's office.

Shirley Mitchell-Winton was driving a Ford truck soutbound on Clark Street when she made an illegal right turn onto westbound Cermak Road, striking the man at 132 W. Cermak Road at 3:40 p.m., according to police News Affairs Officer JoAnn Taylor.

A witness told police Mitchell-Winton made an illegal turn while her traffic signal was red, according to a Prairie District lieutenant. Mitchell-Winton claimed the light was green when she made the turn, the lieutenant said. He was dragged under the truck briefly after he was struck, the lieutenant added.

He, of 3138 S. Parnell Ave., was pronounced dead from the accident at 4:26 p.m. Saturday at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County, a Cook County Medical Examiner’s office spokesman said. The spokesman said the accident occurred at Cermak Road and South Wentworth Avenue.

Mitchell-Winton, 55, of the 143 block of South Dorchester Avenue in Dolton, was issued citations for failure to yield, and making an improper right turn. It is possible she could face future charges or upgraded citations, Taylor said.Mitchell-Winton is scheduled to appear in traffic court at 10 a.m. on March 21, Taylor said.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

24 Season 6 - Jumped the Shark ... Already?

(to view spoiler press ctrl-a)

Been trying to catch up on all the 24 I've missed during my vacation. Is it just me or is the plot moving really really slow this season? Who would've thought that Graem or Gray or whatever - yes the bluetooth guy in Season 5 (Shouldn't it be Graham? It's the same one syllable word!) is Jack's brother???? It'll be easier to believe that Graem is a half brother or something cuz they look totally different! WTF...and then Jack suddenly got a father, and he's sort of Evil, again, WTF. And there were too many torture scenes on Graem; it's like they wanna show Jack doesnt care if you are family, he'll still torture you to death for intel....quite ridiculous. Maybe we will be seeing more on Jack torturing his own family in the next few ep? Who's next? Jack's dad should be next, and maybe later on ... Kim???!!!

And that stupid affair (?) or whatever with Jack and his sister in law....ewwwww kinda gross. Since Graem's son doesn't look like him at all, could he be ....??? Wow, this is slowly turning into a TVB drama!

Seriously 24 is slowly getting worst and worst every season. I hate to be nagging but the plots so far are AWFUL! @_@ And i thought last season was bad. :(

Friday, February 16, 2007

Feeling Better Already

Ok I felt so much better already after posting that last entry. Turns out there aren't THAT MANY things on my To-Do list. I must add that I brought a truckload of candies back home and I haven't even touch them yet....that's pretty good isn't it?

I must've been a bit under the weather in the last couple of days. It was -20C for two entire weeks, and it was so cold at one point my garage door opener stopped working. :( Also the traffic gets pretty bad when the roads are slippery. Speaking of that, i had my first PK in ? years (i havent PK'd for so long i cant even remember the last time I pk'd!!!! Was able to keep myself PK-free even in Taiwan damn it!) It happened on my parent's driveway and i felt like Humpy Dumpty @_@. Luckily i didnt break any bones but my leg does hurt a bit. :(

The tix for Gwen Stefani went on sale last week but my friend and I are unable to get any good seats! The website was overloaded and the phone lines busy. :( Wanna cry....i do wanna see it.

Post-Travel Stress

Just got back to Calgary two Sundays ago, and I've been pretty busy since. The vacation really burnt a hole in my wallet, and now my books are in the reds. @_@ 'Luckily', my office is offering overtime, but the bad news is I gotta stay behind everyday and come in on Saturdays to earn the cash. Not great but the extra cash comes in handy.

Just to get a picture of how busy I am: I HAVEN'T WATCHED AN EPISODE OF 24 since I got back!!!! I am TOTALLY BEHIND right now and it's driving me nuts! I've been trying to sort out which episode I've missed on my PVR so I can get it from the internet.....arrrrh how can i do this without watching parts of the show??? I am behind on other shows too, which means I will have lots to catch up on in the next while. I better do it quick tho cuz my PVR will run outta room to record soon if I don't start deleting things. Oh to top it off my hard drive is also running outta room from downloading all the missed episodes. My TV life is such a mess...

As a neat freak with a bit of an OCD, the current condition of my house is also driving me insane. Things I unpacked are still scattered on the floor as I try to find a place to put them away. The floor needs vacuuming and I haven't done that since I came back. My bathroom countertop is covered with bottles of stuff cuz I am trying to use up the supplies I brought with me during my vacation (so basically everything's doubled up if you know what I mean!). I got do my laundry ... gotta dust....I gotta sort out my vacation pictures.... I have no time to recharge / put new songs on my iPod (actually, got no time to download new mp3s lately either @_@), stacks of unopened CDs and DVDs in my room which I haven't even have time to look for my friends which I haven't had time to deliver/send......I've lost control of things and I feel like screaming out loud......I feel like my life is in a genuine mess. I guess it is nothing compared to people who are in ... rehab (!)....but my nice little world is falling apart and I am going crazy.

(Don't worry, I think all i need is a weekend at home to put my life back together, i will stop whining soon! :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

低等動物 作詞:黃偉文 作曲:錢文璟 唱:陳奕迅

喉嚨很乾 所以愛上你的吻 咀巴需要覺得 像被誰期侍過 
纏綿很好 所以愛上你胸襟 呼吸需要記得 亦被懷念過 
為何未曾動心 都可以愛上那質感 未能淡忘肉身 我是人 

寂寞洶洶 所以愛上你指尖 鬚根需要覺得 像被誰馴服過 
慾望狠狠 所以愛上你肌膚 體溫需要記得 亦被承受過 
為誰亦能動心 請不要笑我太低等 熱情自然亮燈 渴望難自禁 
味蕾覓尋肉身 比一隻野獸更天真 問誰又能硬撼 肉體吸引 

@讓美色 給官感體諒過程 其實極漂亮 難道你在訓練我 不需要情慾對象 
熱吻間 勾起的想像 愛情 其實是這樣 留住你是要為身體著想 (期望你 亦要為身體著想) 

談情很好 不過也要你擁抱 身體需要覺得 未被忘掉過 地獄之火 睡在心窩 
難道我(在) 望著你你望(著) 我 就毫無罪過

We are all like that, aren't we?