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Monday, July 18, 2005

WC Trouble @_@


  • In most cases you can open a clogged toilet using a force ball-type plunger
    (first plunger in image). A regular suction cup plunger will seldom do the job
    (second plunger in image). A force ball-type plunger exerts a great deal more
    pressure for cleaning toilets than the regular type.
Ok i tried that with that force ball-type plunger, didnt work.....
  • Be sure to have sufficient water in the toilet bowl when using the plunger.
Yes yes yes~
  • If the plunger does not clear the clogged drain, use a closet auger (see image
    below). Start the auger or snake into the bowl and continue to crank it
    until it becomes tight. This cranking and pulling action will usually bring
    up the object that is causing the stoppage.
I brought the auger, followed your instruction, still not working for me. Luckily, this cranking and pulling action didnt bring up a piece of poop or anything.....
  • If the closet auger is not effective, use a small snake in the same way as
    described for opening lavatory drains.

No, the auger was not effective, at least for me. Now i cant even bring it back to Home Depot for refund cuz of sanitary reason.....

And no, why would a snake work if a auger (that's just like a snake) won't work on the problem?

  • If neither the plunger, the closet auger, nor the snake removes the
    obstruction, you may need to remove the toilet from the floor, turn it upside
    down, and force the obstruction out from the top or bottom.
OH i really have to end up doing this?
  • If you must remove the toilet from the floor, use either a wax preformed O-ring or fresh plumber's putty in reseating the toilet.
I dont wanna do this tho....:(

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