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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Where were you on 9/11?

It started out as another normal day. As usual I cut through the Delta Bow Valley Hotel on my way to work to avoid waiting for the pedestrian light. Something was unusual when I passed by the lounge area. The big screen TV that was usually off in the morning was tuned to CNN, and all eyes were on the image of a building that resembles a chimney with smoke coming out from the top. A hotel staff rushed out from the concierge said he heard another plane crashed at the Pentagon (???) ... it was quite strange and you knew right away that something's not right. I couldn't stop to find out what's going on, so I took out my phone and called home. My dad picked up the phone and I asked him what's going on. He told me that two planes crashed into the WTC and another one at the Pentagon, and that "US is in pretty big trouble today". Everything seemed pretty surreal as the story unfold through out the day. The whole thing really scared me. I remember I had a hard time falling asleep that night from thinking about the number of people who died at the WTC.

After 5 years, most people like me moved on. It'll definitely be different for those who lost their loved ones on this tragic day. This is probably the best way to cope with the fear of terrorism. Another method is probably by thinking that Jack Bauer will come to the rescue. :P

1 comment:

Olivia said...

There's never too much 24 for this little girl...