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Monday, May 30, 2005

24 Day 4

Pretty much sums up what I wanted to say about Day 4.
(Grabbed this from the 24 Yahoo Group)

From: "Chris Troise"
Subject: RE: my thoughts; w/ previous season spoilers

That's hardly the only thing to be concerned with. How about these:
(mind you, I LOVE 24 and have been watching it religiously since S1 episode 3. This all comes from love. If you like, I can do a posting of the -good- things!!)

- No CTU perimeter has ever secured anything

- He needs it *NOW!* (drink!)

- 24 is realtime my ass.

- CTU is the least secure place on the planet

- Did Jack ever recharge his cellphone?

- After a one year hiatus from CTU, Jack still had memorized every password for every situation. "Override the yada-yada: password niner-charlie-falcon-zero" Good memory!

- Any injury to Jack, no matter how severe, is forgotten about in two episodes

- Nobody yawns, and there are no relief shifts

- Tonight I will dream about Nina and Mandy taking me hostage. Mmmm....

- I can hardly log into my co-worker's PC with his password written down in front of me, CTU does pretty well (1) instantly uploading the camera feeds from some god forsaken gas station in the middle of nowhere, (2) forwarding calls/videos from anything to anything, (3) Knowing how to navigate any computer system at a moment's notice without a manual

- CTU's computer is better than the Bat Computer and no lead is to thin to hang the entire plot on: "He drank water you say? Cross reference everything about water in the computer with everything related to humans", "I found it sir, he works for this company at this address", "Download the floorplan into my it, how many people are in there?", "Two, and the one on the left is carrying a pizza, small, could be anchovies", "I knew a guy who liked anchovies, where is he?", "LAPD just went to his house and he had Marwan's laundry in his dryer!", "I need him brought in for questioning NOW!", "He was shot! He's dead! But in his car was a Blockbuster receipt for 'Jerry McGuire'", "Cross reference..." (you
get the idea)

- "The design of the chip on the boyfriend's computer was for a nuclear missle football override!" Huh? 'Central computer chip design lookup database'? Wha?

- CTU likes the Patriot Act

- Did Cheng really have to start conducting his investigation at 3am? Would it really have been so bad to say to him "Feel free to come in first thing tomorrow morning, of course assuming a nuclear bomb hasn't gone off".

- Cheng finds out a helicopter is leaving CTU and is able to: (1) know where it is going right down to the *exact landing location*, (2) get there *ahead of the helicopter itself*, (3) and take the CTU agents captive.

- 24 is realtime my ass.

- "Infra-Red Satellites" are able at a moment's notice to determine how many people are walking around, in real time, any building, on any floor, and yet are not able to pick up a missile over the course of hours??

- Its not "Logan's Administration", he's just filling in until the President recovers in a day or two (hey, Jack recovered from his plane crash the same hour!)

- Regardless of the urgency, people always feel free to talk s.l.o.w.l.y. and somehow have the time in advance to whip up computerized video presentations to compliment whatever they're saying.

Good: "(bursting in) Sir, the woman you're about to give immunity to was the one who tried to kill Palmer!".

Bad: "I'm sorry to interrupt", "No, please, come in, how are your kids?", "Fine sir, little Timmy is trying out for the school play", "That's great, give my love to Mary". "Will do. Sirs, I have information you might want to know..."

- I'm a little tired of all trails going stone cold with the suspect being murdered only to have the trail start again from some silly event like someone using the wrong credit card somewhere in the midwest (and CTU picking it up instantly), or someone's girlfriend calling CTU to rat out her boyfriend, or someone uses someone's cell phone, and so on. That's the writers cheating on us. Look, they have 7 months until Season Five, START WRITING!!!!

- You're right, why'd Tony have to take his shirt off? [Note from kkysiu: Yes, other than showing his chest for the female fans, he needed to swap clothes with that guy Mandy shot]

- Mandy was meeting up with Marwan on the helicopter because why? Because she, uh, I don't know. Was involved. Somehow. More so than the others. I guess.

- Stop reusing actors from other shows. That was Ross' girlfriend Charlie. I don't want to be reminded of Ross, ever. The Amnesty lawyer was Charlotte's boyfriend from Sex and the City. Find new people!

- Except for Milo from S1, who apparently was also on Alias. Milo rocked and was a belivable computer expert. Bring him back. And Chase.

- A gentleman never torture's a man in front of his wife, especially if you're shtupping her

- 24 and daughters do not mix. Chase's daughter. Jack's daughter. The head of CTU's daughter. All trouble.

- Chloe, please, save it

- There really is nothing left for any future season. Space aliens? Asteroid?

I better stop and go to bed.....

(a few previous season spoilers here)
- S3: Kim is an idiot. Yet after some courses she's as good a computer expert as Chloe

- S3, Why did Jack cut off Chase's hand to get the case off him if he only was going to drop it into a fishtank anyway? Couldn't Chase have just held it in there himself? Oh right, there were ducks in the way (/batman reference off)

- S3: Tony, who last season got shot in the neck the first time in the field just walking into a mall, did pretty well this season for someone rusty drinking beers on his couch that morning

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Only this moment, hold us together......

ノルウェーのエレクトロ・デュオ Royksopp が待望のセカンド・アルバムをリリース

シンプルなブレイク・ビーツに、微妙にチューニングが壊れたようなリフが絡むビッグ・アンセム "Eple"。Royksopp の名前は知らなくても、この妙に耳につく曲を聴いたことがある人は大勢いるはずだ。その"Eple"が収録された2001年のデビュー・アルバム"Melody A.M."から4年。彼らの待望のセカンド・アルバムが、6月下旬に、所属先の Wall Of Sound からリリースされることになった。

"The Understanding"という仮タイトルがつけられているこのアルバム。メンバーいわく、前作に比べてよりメロディーにこだわった作品とのことで、より多くのボーカル・ナンバーも収録されている模様だ。とにかく、全世界を席巻した"Eple"の後だけに、今度はどのようなサウンドが展開されているのか、注目のリリースであることは間違いない。

先行シングルは、"Only This Moment"で、6月13日の発売。その後アルバム・ツアーも行われる予定で、来日公演も期待したいところである。


01. Triumphant
02. Only This Moment
03. 49 Percent
04. Boys
05. Follow My Ruin
06. Beautiful Day
07. What Else Is There?
08. Circuit Breaker
09. Alpha Male
10. Someone Like You
11. Dead To The World

Monday, May 16, 2005

Ya ... i said there will be more MayDay songs...

Anyways i like this more than the original version.

曲:阿信 詞:阿信 編:五月天

走在風中 今天陽光 突然好溫柔天的溫柔
地的溫柔 像你抱著我然後發現 你的改變
孤單的今後如果冷 該怎麼渡過 天邊風光
身邊的我 都不在你眼中你的眼中 藏著什麼
我從來都不懂沒有關係 你的世界 就讓你擁有不打擾
是我的溫柔 不知道 不明瞭 不想要 為什麼
我的心明明是想靠近 卻孤單的黎明不知道 不明瞭
不想要 為什麼 我的心那愛情的綺麗
總是在孤單裡再把我的最好的愛給你 不知不覺
不情不願 又到巷子口我沒有哭 也沒有笑 因為這是夢沒有預兆
沒有理由 你真的有說過如果有 就讓你自由這是我的溫柔

我給你自由 我給你自由
我給你全部全部全部全部自由 Oh.....
這是我的溫柔 還你你的自由 Oh.....

May Sweep

i am sort of glad that all my fave shows are ending within the next 2 weeks. i gotta catch DHW, 24, The Apprentice, Medium (sort of lost track but will try to catch the season finale), Numb3rs (same thing) .... and then when these are done I gotta catch up on my DVDs. Here are what's waiting in line for me to watch: Alias S3-4, The O.C., Veronica Mars, Kamen Rider Blade, Jamie School Dinners, Engine, numerous other shows, misc movies .... wow~~~ so much to watch, so little time @_@ I wish I can carry a DVD player when I go do my workout. I am almost sure that I will be glued to the treadmills if I can watch whatever I like on TV.

As for 24 ... Wow Mandy is back! And please please please don't kill Tony!!! :(

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

MTV2 and BEP

Great! MTV canada will be off air as of June 30, 2005 :( This really sucks cuz MTV2 is one of my fave channel at the moment. Stupid Much and MTV Canada doesnt play mv's anymore. I am sick of seeing shows like Pimp My Ride, Punk'd, The Newly Weds @_@ on these channels. MTV2 is the only channel with pure hit mv non-stop 24/7. I hate this i hate this i hate this! I want MTV2 back! :(

Other news: Gigi and I are still trying to buy BEP tickets online. The seats availble right now sure sucks. Hope there are better seats available when the tickets go on sale on Saturday, May 14. Don't phunk with my tix......

Saturday, May 07, 2005

This is a "lighter" song for concerts. ^_^ I think they copied the chords from "Loving You"....


脫下長日的假面 奔向夢幻的彊界
南瓜馬車的午夜 換上童話的玻璃鞋
讓我享受這感覺 我是孤傲的薔薇
讓我品嚐這滋味 紛亂世界的不了解

*昨天太近 明天太遠 默默聆聽那黑夜
晚風吻盡 荷花葉 任我醉倒在池邊
等你清楚看見我的美 月光曬乾眼淚    
那一個人 愛我 
將我的手 緊握 
抱緊我 吻我 喔 愛 別走

隱藏自己的疲倦 表達自己的狼狽
放縱自己的狂野 找尋自己的明天
向你要求的誓言 就算是你的謊言
我需要愛的慰藉 就算那愛已如潮水

Repeat *

Friday, May 06, 2005

Thursday, May 05, 2005

MayDay! MayDay!

Wow today is 05.05.05! This calls for a celebration!!!!

Will try to post some MayDay lyrics through-out this month!


如果說了後悔 是不是一切就能倒退
回憶多麼美 活著多麼狼狽
為什麼這個世界 總要叫人嚐傷悲
我不能瞭解 也不想瞭解
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂世界
那麼多苦 那麼多累 那麼多莫名的淚水
我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂世界
如果是你 發現了我 也別將我挽回
想了你一整夜 再也想不起你的臉
你是一種感覺 寫在夏夜晚風裡面
青春是挽不回的水 轉眼消失在指間
用力的浪費 再用力的後悔

Monday, May 02, 2005

i didnt know there was a usage limit....

yahoo launch music sucks! looks like i've exceeded their monthly usage limit in 2 days! you are only allow to stream 600 songs (including the ones u've skipped!) per month! gee what am i suppose to do now? today is only may 2nd!!! when i tried to upgrade my account by paying i was told that it is only available to us citizens. @_@

i think this yahoo launch music site has a lot of potential! I think it's even better than mp3 because you can set up your personal music station and music database online, find new songs that matches your taste, share your favorite music with others, and you can stream it anywhere you go. You no longer have to worry about storage......i think it's great! if only it's available in Canada!!!!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

My Yahoo Launch Station!

Click Here!

Still trying to refine my choices ... will probably take days before i can get it right.