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Monday, March 26, 2007

If you are a fan of HK Pop Music / Canto-Pop

You will like this link: 歷年樂壇新人蒸發實錄 (1989-2005)

Find out about that fave singer of yours who suddenly disappeared....where's he/she now?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pics from the concert

As you can see we are not that close to the stage

Ok the pics are not too great but it gives u some ideas. The different sets are quite nice! Movie clips shown on the projection display are quite cool too!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Bad Luck...

I've got this stupid virus on my PC lately, now trying very to get rid of it. You see the instructions there? That's quite a bit of work. I tried everything i know of so far, including scanning my PC numerous times with different spyware detectors, resetting some of my registry files etc, but this one is very tough to get rid of!!!!! :( I dont know what i did to deserve this. I am really really ticked as you can see......ARRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHH!

Some better things ... i went to Christina Aguilera's concert last week. It was a really sudden decision. We couldn't get any tickets originally cuz it was all sold out. On the day of the concert, i was kinda mad cuz a few of my colleagues (including some see lai's, why are they there?) are going and i told my frd G like WTH...she checked and she discovered some good seats! So we brought them like 3 hrs b4 the concert! The show was great, altho i am not a huge fan, i think Christina is a good singer and put on a good show. The different sets looks pretty nice and she probably had 20 costumes change.