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Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Just got the Mp3 of 愛情轉移, the song is the Mandarin version of 富士山下, and I think it's a way better song compared to the Cantonese version. I don't really understand why everyone loved the Cantonese version so much, to me it was only so-so. The Mandarin lyrics is much better.

Anyways i must say it's great to hear all these songs in advance! ;)

Born to Love

First of all, i hope everyone had a great Chrismas!

The message "Born to Love 06.12.29" attracted some attention for me when I put it up on my MSN Messenger last week. A lot of you thought this is regarding my love life and some even thinks that 06.12.29 is when I have an important date or something...:) Sad to say, there isn't much going on in my love life. Anyway, let me explain: Born to Love 為愛而生 is the sixth studio album by the Taiwan rock band May Day 五月天. I became a huge fan since watching their live over 3 years ago. Their music is inspiring and uplifting. Even their 'sad' songs are full of hope. It's just not your average k-songs (but then honestly they are quite pop rock). Needless to say I am quite excited about their new album, and here is a 60s clip of the title track. They shot the MV in the Republic of Tunisia, at the Amphitheatre of EI Djem.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My Latest Food Addiction

G and I found this new restaurant for lunch and we are totally addicted to it! The place is called Chongqing Restaurant and it specializes in Szechwan Cuisine. Their noodle soup is absolutely delicious and the 2 chicken dish we tried so far are yummy! They add a lot of garlic to their noodle soup base, so there should be less MSG in their soup. Their food is super tasty and I keep wanting to go back everyday! (gotta stop thinking about it! *Drool*) The restaurant have 'changed hands' from one owner to another over a short period of time in the past, so I hope Chongqing is here to stay! They also specialize in Hot Pot but I haven't tried it yet. One small complaint. We were there this past Monday and they didn't have any appetizers we tried to order! They say they are too busy to prepare "Hand Tear Chicken" cuz it "takes too much labour"! Hmmm why list it when it's not available? Anyways, the other dish we ordered to replace these appetizers were too good so I am not gonna complain.

In case you are really gonna trust my word and go try it: Chongqing is located at City Plaza on Centre Street, beside Page One Bookstore, in Chinatown Calgary.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

SxS 06.11.27 - Justin & SMAP

Hurry! Watch it before Johnny's Entertainment takes it down from YouTube! I think they have people working 24/7 monitoring uploads of Johnny's artists clips on YouTube.

This clip was from 3 weeks ago, just want more ppl to watch this fun clip. Altho SMAP is not the best singer in the world, they are quite fun to watch, great hosts for sure! Take a look:

Hehe Lock Your Body. :D

Chatting with friends...

Last night i bumped into Pazu on MSN! He is still in Lhasa at the moment learning Tibetan. Gee I've always admire Pazu for being passionate about learning new things! Esp new languages! The hardcore cyclist and I also chatted about things like Chinese DNA (we lack the concept of queuing up, for eg.!), HK Star Ferry Incident and Global Warming (Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth). Pazu thinks that we were doomed right from the start, and even if we start conserving now there is no way to stop the pollution in 3rd world countries. It's also not fair if we (the so-called first world nations) ask the 3rd world countries to close their polluting factory cuz we created this problem in the first place. There is really no easy solution for this eh? My solution to the problem? I am trying to conserve energy and resources while I can. After watching Mr. Gore's movie, I started bringing all paper trash to work (flyers, envelopes, junk mail, etc) for recycle. Also I am using those energy efficient light bulbs while I can. I dont think it'll do much but at least i am doing something right?

And once again this is Pazu's blog! I wish him a happy and safe journey. Too bad he's not in HK when I go there.

I also chatted with Chris (now in Toronto) last night! We haven't talked for so long, since 2002 I think? It was nice to hear from him again. He sound just like the same guy I knew back in high school, full of ideas and plans! His blog is called and i think it has a lot of potentials. Just have to add a bit of character to it and it'll be awesome! I will try submitting a few pieces to the site, after i overcome my writer's block and run it through a grammar check that is...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

24 Season 6 Prequel

I guess this is the prequel in the Season 5 DVD set. Hmm it looks more like an ad for Toyota Rav4. Anyways here it is:

Jack being the helpless dude getting rescued? That's a first.....

Anyways looks like i wont be here to watch the season premiere :(

Continued from Below

Ok, i got a copy of the CD last Friday, and my name (in short form) is indeed on the 'Thank You' section of the booklet! Yeah! So glad it's on this CD instead of some other crappy singer's! This is like the first Cantonese CD i brought in over a year, it's kinda strange to see the actual disc....