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Friday, November 18, 2005

Dublin Day 1

Today was my first full day in Ireland. Woke up quite late, at around 10:45 because i was up in the middle of the night putting on extra layers of clothes (i think 5 layers in total)/scarf/socks. It got quite cold at night and i almost got frostbites! I so miss central heating! After the huge breakfast/lunch prepared by Olivia, we dropped off our laundry to this shop across the street and headed out at around 13:30. Christ Church was our first stop. It was just another church to me but there might be more to it than that. We walked around the City Centre, took pictures with "The Tart with the Cart". Then we walked to the Dublin Castle nearby. Olivia and I joined a guided tour (they charged me student fare, haha!) and had a crash course about the Irish history. The tour ended at around 16:00 and we headed down to the shopping district. Did a bit of browsing at the shops, went to the GPO (The Gerneral Post Office of Dublin) for another lesson in the History of Ireland and headed home with groceries.

Olivia prepared dinner again and made pasta for the night. We stayed in the flat for the rest of the night and watched Die Hard 3. What a way to waste a night overseas! But then the past few day's been pretty hectic and I needed time to unwind.

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